“I love that you put an emphasis on all pieces of the puzzle instead of just one or two factors.” - Jenny S.Join 500+ People Healing From Autoimmune Issues
This course helps those frustrated with Autoimmune issues to begin healing and regain their health by showing you how to holistically treat your issues with your brain, nervous system, and mindset.
“I love that you put an emphasis on all pieces of the puzzle instead of just one or two factors.” - Jenny S.
This course helps those frustrated with autoimmune to finally focus on the right things - by supporting the brain and nervous system, and cultivating a supportive self-dialogue and mindset.
I'm ready for a new Approach!Let me guess, you've already spent a TON of money on diets, supplements, and pointless doctor's visits trying desperately to heal your autoimmune - with minimal results?
Hi, I'm Elisha Cicirelli, Ph.D, and I've healed from my own severe autoimmune disorder. Here's a secret: Just focusing on my diet didn't cut it. Once I supported my brain and nervous system - that's when I noticed REAL shifts in my health.
So, do you want to keep spinning your wheels micro-managing your diet or, are you ready to finally get your life back?
I'm sharing the details on HOW to do it in my Autoimmune Reset mini-course.
Let me guess, you've already spent a TON of money on diets, supplements, and pointless doctor's visits trying desperately to improve your autoimmune - with minimal results?
Hi, I'm Elisha Cicirelli, Ph.D and that was my situation over 6 years ago. I've been in remission from my own autoimmune issues for over 5 years now, and I am passionate about helping other people with chronic illness regain their health.
Here’s a secret: focusing on diet and supplements isn't enough for most people. Supporting our brain, nervous system, and mindset is where it's really at.
When we learn to TRUST our body rather than fear it, that's when the real magic starts to happen!
I break this all down for YOU in The Autoimmune Reset Course.
Let's do this!
Each focus area is covered in a 15-20 minute video module - which details the MOST impactful things you need to know to better support your health. After completing the video modules, you'll walk away with a fresh understanding of what is actually impacting your health and a feeling of empowerment regarding a path forward.
After completing the Self-Assessment, you'll be able to cut through all the autoimmune noise, and identify the MOST important areas of focus. You'll also learn HOW mindset, self-dialogue, and learning to say "no" is foundational for supporting our health. You'll be able to keep this info for "quick reference" as downloadable PDF guides.
The Summary Guide is your "Cheat Sheet" from the course. In this comprehensive 34 page downloadable guide, you'll find the most important slides from ALL the video modules. You'll also find dedicated spots for jotting down important notes. The Summary Guide is a great addition to have by your side as you complete the video modules.
You've probably tried multiple things to address your chronic illness - the diets, supplements, and expensive practitioner visits - with minimal progress to show for it. In The Autoimmune Reset, you'll learn the "secret sauce" and framework of learning HOW to work with your body, and you'll also finally understand where to focus your time and energy.
Have you tried multiple autoimmune diets with little to no success? Here’s the truth: your diet isn’t likely why you’re still sick. In the Autoimmune Reset, I breakdown how I’ve made peace with eating healthy while also keeping my sanity.
In the The Autoimmune Reset's Brain Love and Brave Science modules, you will learn about how early life trauma (Adverse Childhood Experiences - ACES) and chronic stress can leave an imprint on our nervous system - keeping it stuck in a high stress state. With this information, you'll learn what you can do to support your body to move out of the high stress state into feelings of safety. You will also learn about the important role the vagus nerve plays in your health, and simple tips you can implement to support it.
Here's the truth: you can’t just supplement your way to health, and another stool test is probably not going to tell you anything new. The truth is, it's most important to focus on the big picture items for our health rather than a slight imbalance in our gut microbiome. In The Autoimmune Reset Course, you’ll learn the big pieces that actually "move the needle" and signal safety to your body. You'll learn how to tap into the inner knowing and trust your body.
“I love that you put an emphasis on all pieces of the puzzle instead of just one or two factors.”
“I enjoyed hearing your wisdom and got some good takeaways.”
“It’s a very informative program…It is such good information.”
“The course is very good. I really like the Brain Love and Brave Science modules. It is something I missed when trying to heal.”
Let’s answer some common questions!
No, I do not offer refunds. Upon purchase of the course, you will have access to all course materials. If you have questions about whether The Autoimmune Reset Course is the right fit for you, please reach out before purchasing at bravelytogether@gmail.com with any questions.
I spent years trying to find the perfect Autoimmune diet – with little success. Once I started focusing on the right things – the brain, nervous system, mindset, and a supportive self dialogue - things began to quickly shift with my health. You will learn the exact framework I used to heal my body in this course.
No, coaching is not included. The course is self-guided. If you are interested in coaching, reach out directly to Elisha at bravelytogether@gmail.com.
The entire Autoimmune Reset Course can be completed in 2 - 3 hours. The course consists of 6 video modules that are 15-20 minutes in length as well as a number of PDF downloads.
In the Gut Love module, I cover how I've found peace with eating clean while also maintaining my sanity. I recommend that people work with a medical professional if they're considering making changes to their diet.
So, do you want to keep spinning your wheels, or are you ready to take your life back?
Subscribe to my monthly memo, "The Post" for my personal take on recovering from Autoimmune.